

    Curiosity often leads to trouble.

    PISCES: February 19 - March 20th
    Try to tackle a big new project -- even if you don't have anything planned. It's a good time for you to move out in a new direction or to show someone close to you what you are capable of.


    Nabeel said...

    Well I've stopped reading horoscopes. I used to before, in newspapers and such but .. I dunno too much stuff going on and well the horoscopes are always optimistic, even when the situation isn't. I've never read a pessimistic horoscope.

    Nikki said...

    This is so true, Nabeel! :) They are always so optimistic, aren't they? I really don't get too caught up in horoscopes, I tend to read them tongue in cheek, but sometimes its nice to hold on to them and remember these optimistic things when you feel like you're looking up from the bottom of a well. ;)

    Thanks for your comment! Its always interesting to find that people read the random things I write. ;) Your comment put a little skip in my step. ;)


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