

    Don't give me no lines... and keep your hands to yourself.

    PISCES: February 19 - March 20th
    A surprising turn of events midday or this evening throws you for a loop, but the emotional upheaval is almost certainly for the best. It's all part of something larger and positive.

    I love when everything just falls into place and you can almost see the end. It reminds me of the marathons I ran oh so long ago... you're pretty certain you're going to die and then you see the flags marking the end of the race and there is some magical invisible force that propels yours ass a little further, a little faster.

    I made Road Trip Man mad yesterday and for that I am truly sorry. I overreacted, as I often do. He only did what I ever asked of him... be honest. Which is far more than I can say for a lot of the men I have been involved with and somehow, I ended up giving him far less of a chance than the others. So, shame on me.

    Drinks with Flannigan last night, turned into a reunion of sorts with my ex's. We were just missing Carl and the last four years of my life would have all been in the same room.

    Anyway, today's horoscope cracked me up when I read it only moments after a discovery that I needed to finally move the fuck on. I'm sorry I had to swear... it was necessary.

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