

    Laugh when you can... its cheaper than medicine.

    My daughter is slightly accident prone. {rolls eyes sarcastically} And by slightly I mean very. At least 3 times a week she comes home with an accident report. Banged her head on the toilet while going potty, went head first down the slide and scratched her chin, tripped over the rug and bruised her knee… or simply, “We don’t know how she got this bruise. One minute it wasn’t there… the next, her arm is turning purple.”

    This time, Addi was playing and hit her head on a shelf. She walked over to her babysitter and just stood there... wide eyed. As soon as her babysitter saw what happened, she panicked, given the amount of blood and I think that's when it set in for Addi as well. I was told tales of tears... but it sounds like it was more fear than pain. Nothing stops her... not even her bleeding head. Once her daycare applied the band-aid, she ran off to play with her friends.

    4:55p - {sigh} Happy birthday to Addi. School called to tell me she slipped and fell... and has a very large gash on her forehead. To the ER stat!

    [picture via J, who upon hearing news of incident, rushed to Addi's daycare to see how she was]

    5:40p - {sigh} thanks for the heart attack. Addi appears to be fine and not in any pain. To the park we go!

    After stopping at the park for a little game of tag with J, Addi & I went home to change the band-aid and begin the birthday festivities.. but no. The gash on her head had other ideas.

    7:15pm - So, upon further inspection by the mommy figure we’re going to get stitches for Addi's forehead.

    Waiting in the ER for stitches. Best way to spend your birthday. :)

    Addi was the most lively person in the waiting room. She played with the toys, singing Happy Birthday to herself. One father even questioned which one of us was waiting… said she may just be the most cheerful kid he’s ever encountered. I’d like to think so, but then again… I am partial. We took Addi’s stats, too… 42 inches tall & 45 lbs. One nurse commented while stitching her head, “this may be the largest 3 year old I’ve ever seen!”

    Still waiting... Hour 2.

    She found a little boyfriend. What a flirt!

    After sitting for 2.5 hours, we finally got a bed and a nurse. Addi thought she was the coolest little monkey ever sitting on the bed with the remote control. We didn’t have cake tonight, but she won the heart of one of the male nurses and he substituted cookies from the vending machine… complete with song, too.

    Monkey's home and tucked in my bed. 4 stitches & 3 hours later. Nurse said I was calmest parent all day...she obviously can't read minds.

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