

    Aptly named...

    I'm dusting off the covers over here and realizing how late I am to so many parties. How much I've set aside this past year. How quickly things change when you're not looking. I've lost contact with some of my dearest friends. I've a stack of projects a million miles long that until recently weren't missed for their space was filled with ... wonder. All of this feels like a hole open in my chest. My core is dusty and slightly bruised. 

    Looking for a change of pace or something to unwind to, I stumbled upon Zac Brown's "new" album, You Get What You Give. Colder Weather, Cold Hearted, As She's Walking Away... get out of here, Zac. You're too much sometimes... 

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Mmmm, tasty. Thanks.


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